
 Biology is the study of life. It is awesome and we get to do lots of exciting things. You can check out my Biology blog here. It will describe some readings that we.

Human Functions Project Reflection
Before this project we were looking at some specific systems in detail we then went off and studied our individual systems.
The purpose of the project was to teach us about how the human works and to make a cool way to teach others what we learned.
We worked very well as a group in this project. We would make decisions as a group and do mostly everything together.
Polar Bear

Polar Bear cubs have to become 
completely still while hunts, if they 
don't follow instruction the mother will
 hit them over the head.
Polar bears will sometimes build 
multi-room dens with ventilation.
These bears can travel up to 100 miles
 at one time.
I was given the role of being the community connections person. I was responsible for doing something for the community. I decided to do a fundraiser for the Leukemia society. I raised close to two hundred dollars.
I think that the work that I did during this project was pretty quality. The Blog that I made for this project is very neat and has good information on it. I would have liked to be something other than the community connections because I didn't really get to learn much of anything as this role. I will remember this project by something that one of my teammates had me do. I had to dress up in a gorilla outfit and do an interpretive dance.

Human Functions Website

Convicted by juries, Exonerated by science

In class we went through and did labs for all of the steps for DNA processing. We started with step one, Isolation. This is the project that I presented for exhibition. I ran this lab for people and explained this process. We collected our check cells and then we isolated the DNA from the cells with a Lysis Buffer. We were then able to see the DNA because of how much DNA was there. For step two we did an online lab, we went through the process of amplification. Amplification is when we replicate the sections of DNA that make us different from other people, called markers. We replicated the markers. Step three is Separation; this is where we do electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is when we run a current through a gel and the DNA flows through depending on the length of the DNA. The final step is analysis; this is basically when we look at our electrophoresis gel and see who committed the crime.

From this Project I learned that our justice system is set up to convict people that are guilty, but some times people will slide through the cracks because the authority is being pressured from the city and the authority needs to put someone in jail for the crime. The authority will put someone in jail because someone said that they did the crime. People can now be exonerated from jail because of DNA fingerprinting. I really learned a lot on the first step, Isolation, and how scientist use this to exonerate innocent people after they have been falsely accused.